Remember I'm heading to Big Bear soon? No road trip is complete without a few theme nights. I was the first to jump in with the preppy idea - of course - more reasons to go shopping!
As for names, Applevenusian - I think I was inspired by you mentioning Lily Pulitzer before. Gotta love those waspy names. A name would really finish the look. Peyton or Madison... can't decide.
Excellent photos. I love the looks, the car, the mansion in the background. I am actually considering the slimmer trousers on display. What do you think Suzanne? The gentleman wearing them in the photo has my build, and we even look a little alike. Thoughts?
i'm certanily not an expert on men's fashion, but i'll give you a woman's perspective. i think the fit is great. women show off their curves, so why should't men? women appreciate seeing the man's form as well. the style of the suit rocks too.
Yes, I got my Lauderdale Lifestyle flyer in the mail the other day... *sigh* I love pink and green!!!
In high school, my friends and I decided that when we got old, we should change our names to "old people" names. Hence, when I turn 60, I will be known as Hortense.
how fun! that's new to me. i just passed Façonnable in BH on my way home yesterday, their windows put me in the mood for spring & boating!
i may go by astor. i think my girfriend snagged peyton. :)
c ya hortense :)
"Miss Astor, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance..."
-Poncy Munchburger
OMG. Those boys are soooo my type. Where are they in real life?
And that's how I dress pretty much every single day!
Hmmm. Old man name. Shall I be Itzak? No! Totally Sol.
See ya Astor,
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