Royal T was a smashing good time.

Here's my jasmine tea. I was a bit scared of it. The jasmine resembled a sea urchin in the pot, but everyone else loved it. I guess the flower is a bit cute.

Me n' Caroline!

The high tea service. Quiche/pastries/sandwiches. Tasty.

The Port A Party!

It's tricked out with a disco ball, lights & ipod player. The essentials.
We all crammed inside & got our boogie on.

That place looks wonderful! I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to get there... meaning, finding a way to tell hubby I want to have an afternoon to myself. :)
Hey Suzanne,
I saw you on Good Day LA this morning!
You looked gorgeous! - Who does your hair, it's beautiful... I could see you doing one of those 'Loreal' commericals.
Keep up the great work - your blog is fun!
James Roberts
applev - missed you girl! next time then!
James - Jose Eber does my hair! (did you see him do the knock knock makeover with Lisa?)
he is fantastic!!!
The Royal T looks amazing--I love the little "shop girls"standing at the end by you.
Jose Eber?! I thought you meant you were doing a story about a makeover with him...not that you actually go to him. Our "Jose" in Scottsdale is "Roscoe" who is fabulous--went to see him today and am on the way to Jaclyn Smith hair:)
benson - i have done a makeover with him, but he does my hair too. omg. jaclyn smith hair! i told jose that jaclyn is the most gorgeous woman on the planet - of course he agreed - & he told me the secret....
temporary hair extensions! it makes the hair big and beautiful! i just ordered some. i'll post about it once i get them. if you look at my photos, you can see my sad scraggly ends. i have thin hair. sniff :(
your hair looks FABULOUS--thin hair, schmim hair! I forgot to ask about the Port A Party--why was it there? how many people fit in it? and...why??
Your hair always looks great, whats the hair color, name??
Jen Ramos
'100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More'
oh man. i missed out on the PORT A PARTY??!! looks like you gals had fun!
wait so are you a news anchor?
you look beautiful, just becuase your the only other person i know that likes the darjeeling limited haha
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