Friday, January 18, 2008

It's a Wonderful Wynn

If you've been here before, you must know by now I've been obsessively watching old Twilight Zone episodes.

Today, such a delight. One of my favorite childhood actors - Ed Wynn - starred in an episode called "Ninety Years Without Slumbering".

I remember watching Wynn with such love & admiration. He seemed so sweet & accepting in roles like Uncle Albert in Mary Poppins. His voice will forever bring back vivid memories of Disney's Mad Hatter.

My maternal grandfather passed before I was born & my paternal grandfather had severe Parkinson's when I was a child, so I never had a grandfatherly figure in my life. I remember imagining him as my grandfather, silly & fun like his role in the Absent-Minded Professor.
You can watch the episode that moved me by clicking HERE. Like most TZ episodes, the 60's home design is fantastic, the story is a bit macabre & you learn more about life when it's all over. It's the best.
I did have a stellar maternal grandmother who let me sleep next to her. She would hand me a stick of Juicy Fruit to chew as we fell asleep. I loved the sugary minty taste, but worried about it falling out & getting stuck in my hair during the night. When I told her my worry, she just laughed it off. I loved that. She was a wild Southern woman who dipped snuff only drank Coca Cola out of the bottle. So decadent!
Photo credit: Twilight Zone Episode 132, Season 5, December 20, 1963.


Mafoo said...

This post kinda choked me up a little! I totally thought of Ed Wynn as a Grandfather figure as well. I think it's all of the Disney channel we used to watch growing up, which used to mainly show old movies and shows, remember?

suzannemarques said...

aw! exactly! i think that's why it's comforting to me too. i love when those old classics come on. sadly, not so much anymore :(


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