Pick one & comment here or drop her a msg at www.twitter.com/jrummerfield
Jaime is preparing for a ridiculously glam photo shoot with InStyle magazine. She'll be featured with one of her megastar clients. A beautiful young performer known all around the world. Trust me. You know her name. So does your mom & the kids around you. She's a superstar.
Don't fret about figuring out who it is. My lips are zipped. Our dilemma right now is choosing which outfit Jaime should pick!
They're all designed by Valerj Probega. The issue will be out this fall. I am DYING to choose & add commentary, but I wanna hear yours!
A peek into her fab design mind: wandrstylefile.blogspot.com/I love this look on her. Here she is with another one of my favorite people - her partner Ron Woodsoon - at my house.
Follow Jaime's glamorous adventures: www.twitter.com/jrummerfield.
i vote #2!!! (but you know she'll look hot either way!)
#3 is the most dramatic. I'll take the other two if she insists.
i'm kinda feeling #2 as well! my eye immediately went to 3... but then i thought... what would i want to lounge in.... 2!
jaime seems happiest in #2 :)
She seems to pop in #2.
Most definitely number 2! It's fabulous!
I'm thinking #2 as well, but with *ahem* nude undies. ;) I want to see the whole dress! Does it go to her knees? the floor? sorry, i don't tweet yet, so give Jamie my love and tell her she will look AMAZING..as always...in any of them!!!
#3 was my first choice, then I thought in print, def #2! How can you go wrong, the dresses are beautiful and she's gorgeous! Are you taking guesses for the client's name, I have a good guess...
oooh tell me tell me!
Number 2 is fabulous!
Could it be C.A.? It was the first name that came to mind when you said young performer and I seem to recall Jaime did her son's nursery, right? Am such a fan of her design work!
#3 for me. Black is always a "can't miss" option. Have a good day tomorrow on the "MJ" coverage :)
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