Friday, January 21, 2011

Cooking with Cactus

Earlier this week, I visited a tiny market on Indiana Avenue right off the 101 freeway that not only had the heartiest meaty tamales, they sold huge bags 2lb bags of fresh cactus for $1.50.  I've never cooked with cactus (aka nopales) before, I put the call out and you answered!  I whipped up a little omelet with grilled onion and yellow bell peppers topped with lots of tapatio.  The only thing missing?  Thin slices of jalapeno or serrano chiles to complement the tart, almost pickled flavor of the cactus.

I boiled the cactus in salted water for ten minutes.  It kind of looks like green beans, but its slippery like okra.

I sauteed the cactus with the onion and bell pepper in some Pam and a healthy squeeze of lime.  I added 3 scrambled egg whites with one whole egg.  Quick and easy!


Unknown said...

Nopales! They are really healthy... but not that yummy (for me). I'll try your recipes. Have a great weekend! XoXo

suzannemarques said...

si! I agree. Alone, they're kind of a funky green bean, but the chiles bring a sharpness that cuts the squishy flavor

Cafe Observer said...

Luv Nopales too!
And luv all your food posts! Hope you have a food porn album on your FBk page as well.

Slick Rick said...

add some chopped pieces into the "Pico de Gallo" & serve chilled or @ room temp.(after you boil them of course) I like making a taco with a warm tortilla & a spoonful. :) Muy rrrricooooo!!!!

Jaime said...

I saw your nopalitos ,I'll just have to try your them the way you made them looks easy enough thank you


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