View all of her fabulousness on Deviant Art here.
My goodness, I stumbled across this video while - yet again - trying to find the green fairy song from Moulin Rouge on youtube. I think it's the most visually stunning film I have ever seen.
So this video is Carnival by the Cardigans. This was my theme song not that many moons ago. My friend Maesa & I would play it over and over and over again. And then again. And then Pizzicato Five!
It makes me reflect and wonder why I've been obsessed with the 60's for so long? What gives? Watching this video explains it. I would still die to hang out in that retro fab hair salon!
Anyway, the lead singer looks like my gorgeous friend Natasha who just received her pilot's license. Congrats missy!!!
This house is in Carmel, high in the Santa Lucia mountains on a nature preserve. Love the high ceilings, clean lines and big windows that look out to nature. It has a comforting, tucked away feeling because it's built into the hillside.
The home is 3,000 square feet - which is pretty large by LA standards - but it's half the size of other homes in the area. The homeowners are eco-friendly, so they made better use of their outdoor space instead of buiding bigger rooms. I am enamored of the outdoor fireplace and the cool pattern of the concrete courtyard.
It was designed by www.feldmanarchitecture.com/
More stunning photos of the property and other projects at their website.
Ok, technically nine photos. I couldn't resist.
He put up posters at various gas stations around El Lay.
My favorite: We're eco friendly! Just kidding, we're an OIL company.
If you've thought of becoming an artist, he gives away all of his secrets HERE.
Don't miss tip #14... and the rest.
Confetti by Lady Monroe. Sums up how I feel about getting older. I keep having mini-meltdowns.