This graveyard is at Trinity Church in Manhattan. It was founded in 1697 by King William III of England. I was in awe because in California, the only place you'll see anything roughly resembling this is at Disneyland.
Halloween was just about my favorite holiday growing up. I've always been intrigued by dark, creepy things. One of my favorite books as a girl was a biography on Jack the Ripper (with photos!) I also read everything I could by Stephen King.
I can just imagine my parents. "At least she's reading."
Back to Halloween. Our home had a long, tunnel-like entry thick with plants, a lone lantern and lots of corners. My brother and I tricked it out with spiderwebs, fake bats, fake blood and body parts on the floor, a flickering lightbulb, fog machine, spooky music and tombstones, naturally.
Our best guests were trick or treating toddlers. They'd be all smiles and then stop abruptly at the mouth of the entry. First they'd look up at their parents in confusion, then back to the front door where they knew treats were waiting for them. The crying would begin and our decorating efforts were officially a success.
For the kids brave enough to walk to the front door, we let them relax long enough to receive their candy and then jump from the bushes to chase them away. Ahh. Memories.
So when I found this graveyard I got a bit emotional because I was in New York to see my brother. He had a bit of a health scare and pulled through like a champ.
I'm not so dramatic that I was thinking my brother could be here pushing up daisies. I just thought, hey, I have some great memories with my brother. Damned doctors better not screw up again. Isn't reality always more frightening than fantasy?
Anyway, back to the the church. Isn't it breathtaking?
My sleeping pattern is so messed up, I'm up at 4:30am and it's my day off. Oh well. The other day I checked out the latest show at Gallery 1988.
Crazy 4 Cult feaures different artist's spins on cult classics like Barbarella, Office Space, The Wizard of Oz, The Shining, etc. I don't know/forgot to note who created each piece above, but the first two are by Shepherd Fairey and Carlos Ramos. I like the doll from Office Space because I could totally use it as a punching bag. That guy was so creepy.
What's not to love about Genevieve Gauckler? She lives in Paris, and remembers being inspired at an early age by colorful breakfast cereal boxes. She has created illustrations for Beck's new album and website and exhibitions at Colette in Paris. Her favorite places are Japan, India and the French countryside. Isn't she great?
Hi folks. I'm back after a brief break. Thanks for bearing with me. Let's get things going with the photography of Li Wei. The Chinese performance artist says he doesn't use photoshop, just mirrors & hocus pocus.
Clara Bow & Cary Grant aren't just stylish. The original It Girl & my favorite leading man are simply perfection.
Here are my five fabulous winners of the Style Statement book. They are on their way to style star status. Below are samples of their letters.
Geek Seeks Chic Tweak! If anyone needs a style statement, it's the gangly geeky style-chameleon boyfriend of one of LA's hottest upcoming interior designers! I think what prompted it was seeing Patrick's giant allocation of closet space for his fabulous attire compared to my patchwork corner of assorted polos and casual button-downs.
I just had my first child and I'm terrified of becoming "Mom" and losing myself in the process! Identifying my style statement will help me stay focused on staying true to myself, which is an invaluable lesson for my brand new daughter. I can be a fantastic mommy and uniquely fabulous at the same time. :-)
I'm a girl of modest means, from a small Midwestern town. I've always known that I'm a city girl at heart though. I'm now attending my dream school in New York City. All the fashion choices leave me confused though! I've been saving up to have some more pocket money to spend on myself, and I want to make the right choices.
I've never accepted being a curvy chica. I thought I had a handle on my sense of style when I started college, and even after I got married, but then when motherhood rounded the corner, it all kind of went downhill from there! Moms really do lose themselves, in a way, by turning all that previous attention saved for themselves and their spouses outwards to their children, giving 110% every day, 24/7, 365 days a year.
As the mom of a three year old daughter, starting my PhD coursework this fall.Going through some major transitions in my life, I've come to realize that I've put myself second and let myself go somewhat. I've been feeling like I need to figure out who I am again. I realize that truly being myself will set a good example for my daughter as well as being something I deserve.
I just remembered another question Danielle asked me when trying to figure out my style statement. She said, "Imagine Annie Leibovitz is taking your picture. What would the setting look like and what would you wear?"
My answer was not too different from Carrie Bradshaw's gown orgy in the Sex & The City film. That AND Annie Leibowitz? A girl can dream...
A big thanks for everyone's entries! I wish I had a million copies. For those who didn't win, most of you already seemed to be started on the right path!
I about dropped the magazine when I opened Elle Decor this month. Nanette Lepore has my dream home.
I am dying over the ship chandelier and her dressing room. Evita over the fireplace and the wood paneled walls. The historic feel and then the surprise of red lacquer kitchen cabinets!
I recently watched Blue Velvet for the first time. Now, I'd like to stay home and watch Mullholland Drive over and over again. (Which I've seen and love.) Getting my fix with Gucci's first tv commercial, also directed by David Lynch. This was for spring 2008, but it makes me crave the fall.
Wolfmother is kind of breaking up. Frontman Andrew Stockdale is a lone wolf now. (I promise that's the last cheesy wolf reference.)
When I heard this, a gem of a memory popped up from the 2007 Grammy Awards.
Andrew came walking down the red carpet with that big afro of his and I was so excited. I noticed the silver unicorn necklace and he confessed his girlfriend gave it to him. Aww.
Since The Police were being honored that evening, I asked him if he had a favorite Police song and if they were an influence on his music. Yeah, yeah it's a generic question that most musicians responded to with a pretty generic answer.
But he kind of looked at the carpet for a moment and then confessed they hadn't really been a big influence on him. That perked my ears. I asked who, expecting Led Zeppelin and he said Prince.
I asked him which song and if he'd sing a little of it for me.
The image above is one of the most thrilling moments in film for me. A dashing "tall, dark & handsome" entertaining Holly Golightly while her cigarette burns a hole in another guest's hat. What a fab moment!
But even better.... I'm having another giveaway! Yay!
Five books for five fabulous folks who want their own style statement. What is it? Two words that describe you. Words to live by. A daily mantra that celebrates you! (For details, scroll to bottom of post)
If you are an avid Domino reader, you already spied a really cool article about Carrie and Danielle and their "Style Statement" which sounds so fun, like a theme song!
Don't tell me you don't have a theme song?!
Ever since I was 9 years old, Prince's "Baby I'm a Star" has done it for me. I was a dancer (not a great one at that tender age) and idolized three fellow dancers who performed to this song on Star Search. They took classes at my studio - two girls and a boy who performed the most rocking routine to the song. It's so fun, confident and celebratory. I still have some of their 8-counts memorized.
So back to my Style Statement session. I spoke to Danielle - who has the most soothing voice ever. She asked me a number of questions that made me look inside myself to retrieve the most deliciously decadent answers and sometimes I felt exposed and vulnerable. It was exhilirating.
One question that rocked my world was, "What do you love and why do you love it?"
The easiest question was my favorite flower, which is the gardenia. I will never forget visiting Napoleon's Tomb in Paris. There was a tiny church behind the tomb decorated with thousands of gardenias. When I walked into the church I was ntoxicated by the scent and vision of the rows upon rows of lovely flowers. I loved the feeling it gave me & the impression I was left with.
The Style Statement is two words that describe you. The first word is 80% of your life, like your outfit, and the second is 20% of your life, like your accessories. Fashion fans - isn't that fantastic? Some examples are Cultivated Wonder, Sophisticated Era and Classic Genuine. Don't ask me what they mean, because I only know my own... drumroll please....
Contemporary Pleasure - It fits! Contemporary I get. But pleasure. I've always made the word "comfort" part of my vocabulary. I like to be comfortable while having fun and feeling fabulous. Pleasure suits me better than comfort. Thanks Danielle!
Here are some of my details for your entertainment.
CONTEMPORARY - a strong presence, because they are indeed "present," looks you in the eye - up-to-date and current with what matters most to them and are typically interested in social and cultural issues - stay on top of things and make time work for them while looking to the future - prefer to interact with genuine and authentic people but can tolerate many types of personalities - can be forceful or critical, especially of themselves and their healthy limitations
descriptive words - (my favorite part because I'm a lover of details...) abreast, au courant, connected, current, determined, in fashion, informed, in touch, in style, latest, leading edge, linked, modern, new, now, present, present-day, recent, success, synchronous, topical, up-to-date
- pleasure seekers, physical comfort & gratification. - easygoing, sincerely cheerful, and free from doubt - can be highly sensitive - a peacekeeper and nurturer - always makes time for socializing and celebration - love to please and accommodate
Now, let's enjoy the most pleasurable film scene I've ever witnessed. (Ignore Mickey Rooney's embarrassing Japanese caricature. That's the one big thing I'd delete if I could.)
Enter the contest by sending an email to and tell me why you need a style statement! Who doesn't after all???
I'll announce the winners in a week & you'll have to respond with your address so you can receive the book! Good luck