I was just added to Downey High School's Wall of Fame. It was just a HALL of Fame when I was in HS, but now my name's up permanently at DHS. Yeah!

The person who nominated me is the Vice Principal of DHS. WAY back when I was a senior in high school, Lisa Lucke was my English teacher. She's easily the best teacher I ever had. I earned an A- in her class and I worked harder for her than anyone! She brought out the best in me.

At the induction ceremony she read the letter I wrote to her when I was 21 years old. I was a web producer at KNBC & told her how proud I was of my job & how I was practicing what she taught me (which was avoiding flowery language and extraneous words). I am still working on these things...
Below is my husband
@robertd3 and I.

@christinacosta & I were songleading co-captains, on student council together & besties to this day :)

I grew up with
@ChrisAlvarado too. I remember when he was a short & chubby boy when we were kids!! Now he's a tall, dark & handsome actor. Future DHS Wall of Famer.

My momma xoxoxo

Tom Houts (who was my Vice Principal) is the Principal of DHS. He was always sweet and still as handsome as I remember him! Speaking of principals...

I was inducted with Allen Layne, who was my high school principal. He's a bit ahead of me though. The high school football field is named after him.

I remember painting signs like this for student council and cheerleading. What great memories came back to me!

Lizet aka
@ldizzlesquirrel came to support too! She graduated in 2000 from DHS but we met on twitter!

After the ceremony I had to eat at El Taco, which is still my fave Mexican food on the planet. Taquitos or flautas smothered in guacamole. That's the ticket.

I came home, cuddled with my plaque and honoree blanket. One of the most memorable days ever.
It was so awesome meeting you, your husband and your friends!
The writing on those student made posters look just like they did when I was going there.
Congratulations! Looks like you had a wonderful day. :)
Very special, congrats to you!
Congratulations! Well deserved, SM!
While I didn't go there, I know Downey HS. Isn't it on Firestone Blvd? I recall attending a swap meet or two there - Haha!!
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